Day 8 - Grinda
Wednesday, July 5th 2017, my beautiful Grinda
It was 9 AM, we were on the Strömkajen port of Stockholm, ready to set off to the sea. Two hours of sailing were waiting for us.

We arrived on the island of Grinda. It was love at first sight. We had barely set foot on the ground that we already couldn’t wait to see more. So we followed the path that led to the center of the island, and saw a very large field inhabited by many goats free to go wherever they wanted. Raising our heads revealed hundreds of swallows twirling around above our heads, and sometimes racing around our feet. It was unbelievable.
As always, we tried to make our own path during the day. We walked through a bit of forest, jumped a few troughs and climbed some rocky hills in order to scale the whole island and be as close to the sea as possible.

12 PM, the time to eat. Once we had found a suitable spot, we settled to eat lunch on the rocks.

We then moved on along the shore, and went back to the centre of the island, trying to reach the port whilst in the rain. We were off to two more hours on the waters.

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