Day 7 - Helsinki's Central Park
Friday, July 14th 2017, urban nature.
Today was a calm day. A moment where we explored the forest of the Helsinki Central Park. As always, squirrels were never far. We started our visit from the west part of the park, towards the north. It was early, the forest was quiet and the sun enlightened its beauty.

Then on the way, as unexpected as it may seem, we saw a graveyard for pets. We had never heard nor seen anything like it, but we thought it was a nice thing to have in the city.

We then sat on top of a rock to eat, and moved on to discover the rest of the park where we found a place for children to play and swim, as well as another graveyard (a human one, this time).

In the evening, we ate at a restaurant named “Kotipizza”. It’s a nice place with kind employees where you’ll have plenty to eat.
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